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Digital Marketing Solutions for Estate Planning and Elder Law Firms

Our team of digital marketing experts specializes in helping estate planning and elder law firms reach their target audience, generate leads, and increase their online visibility. Partner with us to take your firm to the next level.

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Your trusted partner in digital marketing for estate planning and elder law firms.

As a boutique, high-end digital marketing agency, we exclusively serve estate planning and elder law firms, and have since our start up in 1995.  This means we bring more than 25 years of experience helping law firms just like yours grow to six and seven figures -- quickly, profitably and sustainably. At Integrity Marketing Solutions, we understand the unique needs of estate planning and elder law firms. Our comprehensive digital marketing services are designed to help you reach your target audience, generate leads, and grow your practice. With our expertise in the industry, we can help you build a strong online presence and attract more clients. Our team specializes in creating effective digital marketing strategies specifically for estate planning and elder law firms. From website design and development to SEO and content creation, we have the expertise to help you reach your target audience and grow your practice.

Estate Planning and Elder Law Website Design & SEO

Never miss out on potential clients again.

Keep your calendar filled with qualified prospects and never miss out on potential clients again. Our websites are designed to attract and convert leads, ensuring a steady stream of new business for your estate planning or elder law firm.

In the nuanced fields of estate planning and elder law, a one-size-fits-all approach just doesn't cut it. At Integrity Marketing Solutions, we don't just recognize the differences; we strategize around them. Our exclusive focus on estate planning and elder law firms has equipped us with unique insights into your practice area, enabling us to craft bespoke online experiences that resonate with your prospective clients. Here's how our specialized website design and SEO strategies set you apart:

In-Depth Understanding:

We know that estate planning and elder law aren't just legal fields; they're personal, sensitive, and complex. Our strategies are built on industry-specific knowledge, ensuring we use the right search terms to attract the most relevant audience to your site.

In-Depth understanding illustration of man hitting target
Illustration image for client-centric content

Client-Centric Content:

Your website should be a resource, answering common questions and addressing typical concerns of those seeking legal assistance. We help you build trust with your prospects through informative, engaging content that speaks directly to their needs and nurtures them through the decision-making process.

Design That Converts:

Beyond aesthetics, we design with purpose. Our websites are crafted to guide visitors seamlessly from their initial search to booking an appointment with you. Every element is placed with intention, creating a user-friendly experience that aligns with the client journey.

Illustration for design that converts
SEO that speaks your language illustration

SEO That Speaks Your Language:

Generic keywords won't bring your ideal clients. Our SEO strategies are tailored, targeting specific phrases and questions that real individuals in need of estate planning and elder law services are asking online. This precision leads to higher rankings, quality traffic, and, ultimately, more consultations.

Entrust your online presence with Integrity Marketing Solutions—where expertise meets empathy. Our exclusive focus on your field allows us to create a platform that not only reflects your professionalism but also understands and anticipates your clients' needs. Let's make your digital space the next step towards legal guidance for those seeking your services.

Streamline Your Success with Webinar Marketing

Webinar Marketing: Educate, Engage, and Establish Trust

Webinars aren't just a marketing tool; they're a platform for education, a bridge that connects your expertise to your clients' needs. They provide a unique opportunity to showcase your knowledge, answer real-time queries, and interact with potential clients beyond the constraints of traditional advertising. Here's how webinar marketing propels your firm forward:

  • Educational Excellence: Deliver valuable insights on estate planning and elder law, helping clients navigate these complex topics. By addressing common misconceptions, latest trends, and legislative changes, you position your firm as a beacon of trust and reliability.

  • Pre-Qualification of Prospects: Not all leads are created equal. Webinars allow you to attract interested individuals and efficiently gauge their readiness for your services. By offering in-depth sessions, you filter through the audience to find those who genuinely require your expertise.

  • Authority Building: Webinars reinforce your position as a thought leader in the legal arena. They allow you to build a professional persona that resonates with your audience, fostering trust that is imperative for client commitment.

Estate Attorney Brenda Geiger on Webinar Marketing with IMS
Brenda Geiger photo
Brenda Geiger
Geiger Law Office, P.C. – Carlsbad, CA Estate Planning Attorney

“We just saw a ton more leads!”

Estate planning attorney Brenda Geiger had a game-changing experience running a webinar marketing funnel with us! Brenda’s firm, the go-to for middle to large estate planning, saw their leads skyrocket from an average of 65 to a whopping 118 per month after launching the webinar marketing.

She raves about working with IMS, citing top-notch professionalism, unparalleled dedication, and expert skills. And she gives a big shout-out to her Client Success Coach Amber for being a brilliant and super-responsive partner in this journey!

Estate and Elder Law Attorney Michele Ungvarsky: "Fantastic" 
Michele Ungvarsky of E Law
Michele Ungvarsky
E-Law – Las Cruces, NM Estate Planning Attorney

“It’s been great, really great! They were very easy to make, didn’t suck my time, and oh boy, the traffic is buzzing!”

Michele Ungvarsky, an estate, probate and elder law attorney from Las Cruces, New Mexico, who took the plunge with webinar marketing and saw her law firm transformed! Michele started small but dreamt big! She kicked off with one webinar, felt the vibe, and loved the buzz it created! 

Numbers Don’t Lie! From January through September 2023, Michelle’s webinar marketing generated:

  • 🌟 717 leads
  • 🌟 80 leads a month
  • 🌟 Average cost of $15 per lead!

Maximize Your Reach with Strategic Paid Advertising

In the realm of estate planning and elder law, reaching the right audience is half the battle. At Integrity Marketing Solutions, we leverage the platforms where your prospective clients spend their time, ensuring you get the most out of every advertising dollar. Our approach isn't just about visibility—it's about making meaningful connections.

Facebook Advertising: Where Engagement Meets Conversion

  • Targeted Outreach: Facebook's sophisticated targeting tools allow us to place your services in front of the individuals most likely to need them. We don't just seek clicks; we pursue genuine engagement, focusing on the quality of interactions to drive higher conversion rates.

  • Cost-Effective Campaigns: Experience has taught us how to optimize every aspect of Facebook advertising, ensuring you get noticeable results without an extravagant spend. It's about smart investment, reaching more of the right people with a budget that respects your bottom line.

  • Creative Excellence: Our ads aren't just informative; they're compelling. We combine eye-catching visuals with persuasive messaging that speaks directly to your audience's needs and concerns, setting the stage for them to take the next step with confidence.

Facebook Advertising – Where Engagement Meets Conversion illustration
Google Local Service Ads - Be the Top Choice in Your Area

Google Local Service Ads: Be the Top Choice in Your Area

  • Local Dominance: When individuals need estate planning or elder law services, they look close to home. Google Local Service Ads put your firm at the top of local searches, building trust with potential clients by highlighting your proximity and relevance.

  • Pay for Results: These ads are not just about impressions; they're about tangible responses. You pay only for valid leads, making this a cost-effective solution that aligns with your firm's goals for growth and local engagement.

Balanced Approach with Google PPC Search Ads

While our strategic focus emphasizes the robust opportunities within Facebook advertising and Google Local Service Ads, we recognize the traditional stronghold and necessity of Google PPC Search Ads in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Our approach to PPC management is one of meticulous analysis and prudent bidding—maximizing visibility for key search terms while maintaining a keen eye on your ROI. We continuously monitor campaign performance, making necessary adjustments to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By balancing broad-reaching visibility with targeted, high-intent traffic, we strive to capture and convert leads actively seeking your expertise in estate planning and elder law. Whether navigating the competitive landscape of keywords or crafting click-worthy ad copy, our goal remains to bridge the gap between your services and the clients who seek them, creating a seamless journey from search to consultation.

Balanced Approach with Google PPC Search Ads

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Marketing For Estate Planning, Elder Law and Probate

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Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.