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Guide to LinkedIn Networking

How to build your professional network and boost your bottom line by 30% without having to wear a suit or leave the office

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Although about 70% of lawyers have a LinkedIn profile, the majority of them are barely active on the site, if they log on at all.  

Did you know LinkedIn boasts 260 million users each month, with 40% of those users logging into the site DAILY?  LinkedIn is your source for networking with other business owners and colleagues, which can boost your revenue from referral sources without ever having to take people out to lunch or drinks after work. 

LinkedIn provides a professional networking platform that is accessible at all hours. Plus, a little engagement can provide big gains in boosting your professional connections and referral sources for new clients. And the best part is … it’s free. You don’t have to pay a subscription to have a profile or a company page.

LinkedIn offers opportunities for:

  • New referral relationships
  • New co-marketing opportunities
  • New invitations to speak, join referral networks, and even new clients 

Our simple, three-step LinkedIn Networking guide teaches you how to:

  1. Set up a great profile and company page that are compelling and easily found
  2. Post content people will love, follow, and share
  3. Find, connect, and convert people in your network

Don’t leave money sitting on the table – take your loved ones or friends out to lunch and connect with referral sources online for free instead.

Our Client Success Stories

Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.