

The NEW SEO Formula
for Estate Planning & Elder Law

Would you like to ensure that your website & content strategy is set up to win online?
How about finally getting your website to rank on page one for the most important keywords in your area?
In this master class, I’m going to cover how to set up your website, build authority, and get ranked for the most important keywords in your service area and much, MUCH more
Learn how to build trust and authority ... Appeal to a broader audience and create a cohesive online presence that showcases your knowledge and experience.
Think you might want some help getting your marketing dialed-in to attract your best-fit prospects, and upgrading your sales skills? Book a free discovery call with my team. It's your best next step to success!
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Jennifer Goddard, CEO
Jennifer Goddard, MBA
CEO & Marketing Performance Coach at IMS Rocks
Jennifer shares real-life strategies, tried, tested and proven with literaly hundreds of estate planning and elder law firms. Her teaching does not come from just reading a few articles or subscribing to a newsletter. What she shares is gleaned from real-life data, specific to estate planning and elder law ... and her work with SEO experts nationwide as part of an elite master-mind network or top agency owners.
Cutting-edge. Up-to-date.

Learn what has changed, as well as where things are trending as Google makes massive shifts to adjust to changes in consumer behavior and the growing revolution of AI-generated content.

Yes! SEO Still Matters for Estate Planning and Elder Law Firms

Law firms must continually adapt and evolve to stay ahead of your rivals. By investing in SEO, you can ensure that your law firm remains visible, relevant, and competitive in the digital landscape.

As more people turn to search engines like Google to find legal services, a strong online presence is crucial for attracting potential clients and staying ahead of competitors.

In this increasingly digital age, potential clients are most likely to work with a firm that has a robust online presence.  Think about it: if you are looking for a new location for dinner, where do you search? If you find restaurants with no or poor online reviews, or incorrect directory information, how likely are you to choose them for your dinner plans?

The same rules apply to potential clients looking for a new estate planning or elder law attorney!  Develop online authority, trust, and credibility, and people will want to work with you.

estate planning marketing
Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.