estate planning marketing

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What's it like to work with IMS for your estate planning or elder law marketing? Hear from our clients!

Michele's Story

David Grew Fast!

He Tripled Revenue in ONE Year!

Shawn McCammon's Story

View Our Client Case Studies

Case Study: Rudy Beck, St. Charles, MO

Video Overview

  • Practicing law for 47 years.
  • Highly successful boutique firm with three attorneys and seven support staff.
  • Rudy wanted more revenue, and more reliable revenue with higher profit margins… He felt he had maxed out his revenue based on referrals and workshops.
  • We helped Rudy with an online strategy and brilliant sales process… And…
  • In less than a year, his revenue soared 35%.

Increase in Business

Website Rebuilding

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Experience and Regrets

Advice for Younger Attorneys

Advice for Younger Attorneys

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Call with IMS
During this 15-minute call we'll help get total clarity around your goals and, based on where you are now, how best to reach them.
Exclusively serving estate planning and elder law firms
How We Get Results

We get your branding right to attract your ideal clients across all of your online channels.


Your website is your marketing hub. Designed to convert and pre-qualify.


Dominate your market with search engine optimization so your best prospects find you first.


Integrate your online marketing for fully automated tracking, reporting and follow-up.


You’re never alone! Your personal coach brings the data and the strategies to help you succeed!

estate planning marketing
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Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.