Rescuing Your Estate Planning Business from Mediocrity and Struggle

Super hero overlooking the entire city
Picture of BY: Jennifer Goddard

BY: Jennifer Goddard

Jennifer Goddard is CEO, Vice President and co-founder of IMS. She guided the agency from its start-up as a consulting firm in 1995 to a multimillion-dollar national agency.

Be honest: deep down, in the recesses of your mind, do you secretly wish that someone or something would come along and “rescue” your estate planning business?

Most people won’t admit to this, because it takes guts to realize things aren’t as good as they could be. Plus, we’ve all been conditioned to be ashamed of wanting to be rescued. We’re told we have to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and be our own heroes.

At Integrity Marketing, we already know you’re the hero. After all, you went into estate planning to help people. We understand that you’re busy being a hero to your clients. You don’t have time or energy to rescue your business, nor should you.

But it IS possible to have the kind of quality help that lifts you and your law firm out of obscurity and struggle.

We help our clients go digital. Why? Because begging for referrals and eeking out a living through obsolete in-person networking and seminar marketing is killing law firms.

We should know … we’ve “been there, done that.”

So when estate planning lawyers decide to go digital — either because they understand it’s the new way forward, or because the old strategies of referral marketing aren’t supporting them — the way they implement their digital system will make or break their business.

What breaks their business is deciding to go it alone and do everything by themselves. No one has ever achieved massive results in a short period of time without a mentor or guide helping them avoid costly mistakes.

Another business killer is hiring different professionals to work on different aspects of an online business, i.e., hiring one company to design or redesign a website, hiring another to do advertising, and getting yet another to help shoot a video. The result is a hodgepodge online presence that feels cobbled together.

Another mistake is simply hiring a business coach to help. While that coach might be brilliant when it comes to advising other coaches, he or she probably doesn’t know anything about running an estate planning law firm, and even less about managing digital marketing to drive revenue! Plus, most business strategists and coaches overwhelm you with information, to-do lists and homework, and leave you to implement everything by yourself. You almost have to quit your job to get it all done.

This is one of the biggest fears estate planning attorneys have when it comes to bringing their businesses online. They worry that’s it’s going to command more time than they have to manage all the components, and that the learning curve is simply too big to master. So the whole project gets put on the back burner while they continue struggling to get referrals and word-of-mouth clients.

Enter the forbidden desire for someone or something to rescue you…

What if we told you that we’re in the business of rescuing law firms, knowing that we aren’t the heroes… you are.

What if we told you that we know the business of estate planning and we also know what it takes to build a digital empire…

This is exactly why we can’t take on more than a few clients at once. We go ALL IN with our clients. We create their landing pages. We set up their Facebook ads. This is after we sit down and get to know them and who they serve.

Heck, we will even get up at dawn to video the sunrise over the community where they live. Our video expert helps them authentically communicate their message to all the people who will be visiting their new website.

And when we go home? We don’t just leave them hanging. We drive traffic to that new website with targeted Facebook ads designed to attract their ideal clients.

Meet Andrew Sigerson. He’s a client of ours who owns a law firm with three offices — one in Omaha, Nebraska, one in Iowa Falls, Iowa, and one in Minot, North Dakota.

Before we flew to meet him in person, we pre-planned all our video shots. Once on location, we woke at sunrise and worked till sunset to capture the beauty of the communities he serves on camera. We spent our days in the firm’s conference room capturing Andrew and his lawyers interacting with clients. We filmed Andrew and his family walking to lunch.

You see, one of our gifts is storytelling. We create video scripts that personalize the attorney as someone clients will trust and respect, because we believe in your ability to help and support your clients — and be their hero.

So like we said, we CAN and we DO come charging into your world on a white horse, but we’re not the heroes. You are, and we shine a spotlight on that for your ideal clients to see.

This summer, 2020, we are helping Andrew set up two webinar marketing programs for his two areas of law: elder law and estate planning.

But we can only help a few clients at once. Our staff is small and we like it that way. This allows us to do our best work without “too many cooks in the kitchen.” We collaborate with you and with each other for one outcome: the resurrection of your law firm.

It’s up to you to recognize you need the help and ask for it. Your firm can be rescued, and you can be a hero to more people who need you.

If you’re ready for the right expertise and tailored support from professionals who understand your business and your clients, schedule a breakthrough discovery call with our team.

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