

How to Optimize Your Website for LeadFlow and Conversions

5 critical elements that enhance conversion:
We will share the 5 critical elements you may be missing that can significantly increase the number of leads and calls coming in from your website.
Where to place your phone number & social proof:
We've found that placing your phone number and social proof in the right place can have a major impact on conversion. This is a simple but often overlooked conversion tactic.
A simple trick to convert your visitors that don't call on the first visit:
More than 70% of your visitors don't call. We will share a simple strategy for keeping in front of those buyers and double the chance of getting the call.
Book a Discovery Call
CEO of imsrocks.com
Jennifer Goddard, MBA
CEO & Marketing Performance Coach at IMS Rocks
Jennifer Goddard, CEO at Integrity Marketing Solutions, will share the secrets to driving more calls, leads and sales from the visitors already getting to your website.

Ready to DISCOVER Your Success?

Whether you just want help with your webinars -- from video production to full webinar marketing management ... or you think you're ready to work with IMS to scale your law firm now ... we'd love to talk!

Book your Discovery call with our team and let's see if there's a good fit for us to help reach your goals!

This webinar will teach you how to:

why website conversion is vital

See how even small improvements in conversion reaps big dividends in revenue and how to get that razor's edge improvement quickly!

the authenticity advantage

How to drop your lawyer's "mask" and be truly authentic online ... and why THIS is the key to conversion!

master the fundamentals

Avoid simple mistakes by placing your phone number, address, and social proof in the right places on your website. Just a few simple tweaks can mean tens of thousands of dollars in new revenue!

mesaging that works

Understand why visitors are your website. Speak directly to their needs, allay their fears, and make it easier for them to become your next best clients!

Book a Discovery Call Now
estate planning marketing
Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.