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Facebook Advertising: Test or Die

Posted On: May 6, 2020

By: Jennifer Goddard

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Written by: Jennifer Goddard

Jennifer Goddard is CEO and co-founder of IMS. She has been at the helm of the agency since its start-up in 1995. Jennifer specializes in helping estate planning and elder lawyers grow 7-figure firms with digital marketing. Jennifer has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a master's degree in business administration from Michigan State University.
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We're seeing an explosion of Facebook advertising popping up from lawyers, new to the platform and anxious to drive revenue during these difficult times. The biggest question I have when I see boosted posts and hasty invitations to live events is -- I wonder what their testing budget was for this campaign?
Before you start throwing money at a new platform, you'll need a plan to test the market. Otherwise, you're wasting precious time, squandering money, and weakening your market response ... yes a market can be fatigued to your messages and response rates disappear with haphazard messaging!
What aspects of your advertising will you want to test?
  • Targeting -- getting the right message to the right audience is the first step to get results. Targeting impacts click-through and conversion rates.
  • Messaging -- even if you have the right target audience, you'll want to test your ad images, headlines, copy, calls to action and placement. Your ads need to attract attention, get the user to stop scrolling, hold their interest and get the click. If your ads don't do that, or don't do it well, your campaigns will never perform.
  • Conversions -- One of the biggest mistakes I see with DIY Facebook advertising is dropping the ball on conversion tracking. Whether it's in setting up the campaign goals, properly placing the pixels, or just not having a clear conversion track ... the fastest way to throw away money on Facebook is to advertise without optimizing for conversions. Did you know that Facebook's algorithm is actually there to HELP you get more conversions? If conversion tracking is set up properly, Facebook will optimize your ad delivery to get the most conversions. But if the conversion tracking is not set up properly, or not set up at all, your ads will perform worse and worse over time -- your ad delivery will sink, cost per click will go up, and Facebook may eventually stop showing your ads entirely.
The best way to get Facebook ads working for you?
Make a plan for targeting, messaging and conversion tracking, then set aside time and budget for testing. Once you get things dialed-in, Facebook can deliver consistent, quality results. But skip this part and it becomes a money pit of wasted opportunities and resources!
Investing in expert help can accelerate your results and get revenue flowing faster, while actually saving money!
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