If you’re like me, you’re about sick and tired of all the conflicting advice we get about fitness and nutrition. Is KETO the miracle diet … or just a fast pass to high cholesterol and heart disease? Am I supposed to run or lift weights? And what about intermittent fasting … is my whole problem that I eat at the wrong times?
Yeah … it’s a challenge!
Especially for high-performance, high-stress, high-visibility lawyers!
You are busy. And you want to be fit and healthy.
You want to feel better, have more energy, and perform at the top of your game …
You want to feel confident speaking in public, meeting new people, shooting video … all the things …
What if you could take some time out of your schedule to work on your business … set things up so you can make more money without working more hours … and discover the simplest plan to improve your fitness, perform at your best, and look great … without spending hours at the gym or following a rigid diet?
Would you love it even more if we could do all of this in one of the most beautiful places on earth — Estes Park, CO — during the height of fall color?
We can!
I really want you to have it all!
Good income, time freedom, creative freedom, and the health, fitness and well-being to truly soar and enjoy it!
Join us Sept. 27 and 28 in beautiful Estes Park, CO for the
Grow a Great Law Firm Boot Camp.
Here’s a sneak peek at the agenda:
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Keynote: No Regrets: Living Your Best Life
Olympian, America’s Coach Jeff Galloway
Morning Focus: Wealth & Impact
Organic Sales Funnels: Driving Leads WITHOUT Paid Advertising. How can you drive leads through a sales funnel WITHOUT paid advertising? We’ll show you exactly how to build an organic sales funnel that will not only drive leads for pennies, but also give you revenue protection from the rapid and confusing social media advertising rules!
The Coolest, Most Powerful Webinar Marketing Strategy EVER: The Evergreen, Interactive, Personal Webinar
What if you could record one webinar, ask people specific questions, capture their answers, and automatically adjust the webinar to meet their personal needs? Here’s the coolest, most powerful webinar marketing strategy EVER … and we’re going to teach you how to do it! This one session will pay for your entire trip … x 100!
Afternoon Focus: Health & Freedom
Managing the Pace of Life
Working in Your Work-Out: How Much is Enough … Too Much? I bet you already KNOW that you need to exercise more … but making it happen and getting the results you want, that’s the challenge. Jeff Galloway, also known as America’s Coach, is going to show you the simplest plan to improve your fitness, perform at your best, and look great … without spending hours at the gym or following a rigid diet.
Getting the Big Stuff Done: Strategies to Finally Make IT Happen. Big Goals … easier made than accomplished! You’ve got big goals for your career and your firm … but it’s the little stuff that keeps getting in the way. All the lists – the appointments, the tasks, the to-do’s – by the end of the day, the week, or even the year it feels like all you did was tread water. Here’s the good news, Jennifer is going to teach you easy-to-implement strategies that will help you get the big stuff done! (Hint: this is a good session for your staff, too!)
Goals, Tasks, To-Do’s and the CEO Mindset. If you started out as sort of a one-woman band, you’re not afraid of hard work and know there’s not a single job in your firm that’s “beneath” you. You know how to change the toner cartridge in your printer and what weight paper to buy for your document notebooks. But … you also know that’s not CEO-work. In this session, you’ll learn how to get out of the middle of your business and out in front, where you belong, leading the firm!
Wednesday, Sept. 28
Morning Focus: Wealth & Impact
Attracting Your Ideal Client with Personal Branding. Personal branding is about establishing your business persona and infusing it in compelling ways throughout your marketing.Effective personal branding can super-charge your marketing … attracting your best-fit clients and encouraging others to move along without taking up your valuable time. Learn how to discover, own and communicate YOUR personal brand!
Do You Need an Appointment-Setter? An appointment-setter can help screen out poor-fit prospects, set the frame for the initial consult, and get more great clients booked. In this session you’ll learn how to decide if an appointment-setter is right for you now, and how to implement the process to streamline your practice and grow at scale!
Booking More Calls from Webinar Registrations. If you’re using online webinars to market your practice, you’ve probably seen far more registrations than calls booked. In fact, we generally see only about 15 to 20 percent of those who register for a webinar actually book a call after. So what about the 80 to 85 percent who raised their hand but didn’t book? In this session we’ll show you how to mine for diamonds and convert more registrations into booked calls, initial consults, and new clients!
Overcoming Uncertainty: Helping Clients Move Forward Even in Uncertain Times. These are uncertain times, and for most people uncertainty leads to paralysis. Their hesitancy doesn’t just mean you miss out on a new client. It means they’re not doing the exact thing they NEED to do to protect themselves! In this powerful session, James shows how your level of certainty must rise dramatically to outweigh your prospect’s uncertainty now … mastering this sales skill will protect your revenue and help ensure clients make the moves they need to protect their wealth, their businesses, their families, and themselves!
Afternoon Focus: Health & Freedom
Building Your Rock Star Team. At some point, you’re going need more help. Maybe it’s your first hire, maybe it’s your 100th. Doesn’t matter. Every lawyer struggles with the hiring process, and most are making the same mistake … over and over. In this session, you will identify the EXACT next person you need to hire (or fire) and learn a simple process to attract and retain rock stars on your team.
Small Group Work Session. This is where the rubber-meets-the-road. In this session we break into small groups and, with help from the IMS team, map out your next-step-strategy to Grow a Great Law Firm … even during uncertain times! This is your Action Plan to Greatness!
Becoming ProFITAble. Profitability … it’s what every law firm needs to succeed. By now you know there’s no magic pixie dust, no one-size-fits-all solution to get you from “here” to “there.” But there is a three-stage strategy you can implement right now to become the most pro-fit-able version of yourself, ready to Grow – and LEAD – a Great Law Firm!
Register now: https://imsonline.myshopify.com/