Law firm branding can seem mysterious and challenging ... which may be why attorneys tend to ignore their brand messaging. Like most challenges, ignoring your branding will come back to haunt you later, especially when you're trying to scale your revenue, boost profits and leverage your time!
To help you get back on track, WealthCounsel has asked me to teach a special session on
law firm branding for their practice development program members ... and even if you're not a WC member yet, you can still get in on this training for a small fee!
How Defining Your Brand Can Help You Get Unstuck
Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, ET
Presenter: Jennifer Goddard, IMS
As your practice grows, are you finding that things are getting harder instead of easier?
Does it sometimes feel like there's a glass ceiling on your income and you just can't seem to break through?
Almost everyone who tries to scale their business runs into this at some point. These are common symptoms of "Brand Chaos." As your practice grows and expands, so does your network of stake holders -- staff, clients, referral sources, and more. Your message gets watered down, edited, and changed along the way -- just like in the children's game of Gossip. Over time, the brand message is so convoluted, it's unrecognizable.
That's when you run into revenue roadblocks.
During this session, you will discover the 12 classic brand archetypes, which one best fits your firm, and how brand alignment crashes through that glass ceiling and gets you back on track to scale your revenue and profits.