Advertise on Social Media

Engage, Educate, and Convert on Facebook and Beyond

Facebook Ads and other social media advertising channels offer unparalleled targeting, allowing you to reach your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Social Media Ads

With billions of active users, social media is one of the most effective platforms for estate planning and elder law attorneys to connect with potential clients. Facebook Ads and other social media advertising channels offer unparalleled targeting, allowing you to reach your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

At IMS, we craft custom social media advertising campaigns that not only increase your visibility but also foster engagement and trust—two critical components for converting clients in the legal field. And when combined with strategic content and a strong website, social media ads become even more powerful.

Facebook Ads: Reach the Right Clients

Facebook Ads are a powerful tool for reaching the people who need your services but may not yet be searching for them. Whether it’s guiding families through estate planning or educating seniors about elder law, our tailored Facebook Ads campaigns target your ideal audience with precision. With options for video, carousel, and lead generation ads, Facebook lets us engage users where they spend most of their time.

Instagram: Diversify Your Reach

While Facebook is a go-to platform, Instagram also offers unique opportunities to connect with potential clients. Instagram is perfect for visual storytelling, allowing your firm to showcase client success stories and services in a visually compelling way.

Social Ads + Content: A Winning Combination

Your ads perform best when they’re part of a holistic strategy that includes educational content and consistent engagement. We help you pair paid social ads with informative blogs, videos, and posts that establish your authority, educate your audience, and drive them to take action.

The Power of Retargeting

Not every potential client will convert on their first visit. That’s why we use retargeting ads to stay top-of-mind with prospects who have visited your website or engaged with your content. These ads re-engage users with tailored messages, moving them closer to booking a consultation.

Turn Clicks into Clients

A high-converting website is the final piece of the puzzle. When prospects click on your social media ads, your website must provide a seamless experience that educates them and encourages them to take the next step. We ensure your website is optimized for conversions, guiding visitors to schedule a consultation effortlessly.

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We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your estate planning and elder law firm.