Total Sales Mastery

Sales Coaching That Turns Leads Into Loyal Clients

Sales coaching tailored specifically for estate planning and elder law attorneys.

High-Converting Website and Professional Content

You’ve invested in great marketing, and it’s attracting quality prospects—but what happens next? If your firm isn’t consistently closing those leads or commanding premium fees, all that effort (and investment) goes to waste.

At IMS, we provide sales coaching tailored specifically for estate planning and elder law attorneys, empowering you and your team to build a sales culture that drives results. We’ll help you transform those initial consultations into confident, high-value client conversions.

Does This Sound Familiar?


It’s Time to Make a Shift

If any of these scenarios hit home, you’ve likely built beliefs around why this keeps happening. Maybe you think, “People in my market won’t pay $5,000 for an estate plan,” so you stick to charging $2,500. Or you believe, “My referral sources expect me to charge X,” so you keep your prices low to maintain those relationships.

But the truth is, the first person you have to sell is yourself. Until you believe in the value of your services, neither will your prospects.

Transform Your Firm with IMS Sales Coaching

All IMS clients gain access to our Total Sales Mastery Academy—an immersive training experience designed to revolutionize how you close deals. Plus, our LIVE coaching sessions ensure you have the ongoing support to apply these strategies in real-time. For more personalized coaching, we offer private coaching packages to help you master high-ticket sales.

Don’t let great leads slip away or settle for less than what your services are worth. Contact your client coach or Book a Discovery Call today to learn more about how our sales coaching can transform your firm.

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We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your estate planning and elder law firm.