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Free Live Webinar | Thursday, Nov. 9

Beyond Referrals:
Unlocking Sustainable Growth in Your Law Practice

Are You Ready to Break Through Your Firm's Income Plateau?

Are you feeling stuck in the endless cycle of chasing referrals? Does it seem like you've hit an invisible barrier that's capping your firm's growth? You're not alone, and the solution is less mysterious than you might think!

Nov 9, 2023
At: 12:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)

Presented by:
Jennifer Goddard, CEO
Jennifer Goddard, MBA
CEO, Vice President & Co-Founder

What You're Going to Learn:

  • The Hidden Risks of Over-Reliance on Referrals: Discover what your current strategy might be costing you!
  • Success Stories Unveiled: Learn from law firms who've leaped from stagnation to prosperity through smart digital marketing.
  • Myth-Busting Digital Marketing: We're tackling the biggest misconceptions head-on, revealing why digital marketing is your untapped goldmine.

Plus, engage in a live Q&A session with Jennifer, getting answers to your most pressing marketing conundrums.

Register now to secure your spot in this game-changing session and receive exclusive access to invaluable resources that promise to revolutionize your approach to growth!


🔥 All attendees will receive exclusive resources to jumpstart their digital marketing journey, including practical worksheets, insightful case studies, and a roadmap to digital success! 🔥
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Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.