estate planning marketing

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Marketing For Estate Planning and Elder Law Firms

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Is Money the Pain Point in Your Estate Planning Practice?

Is Money the Pain Point in Your Estate Planning Practice?

Posted on: October 8, 2021 By: Jennifer Goddard
I was visiting with an estate planning attorney from Texas today. She said she called because she wanted to "find out more about digital marketing..." But I know no one ever really schedules a call just to learn more about marketing ... somewhere, there is always a pain point behind the call. In her case, […]
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You Don't Have to Get Back on the Seminar Marketing Treadmill

You Don't Have to Get Back on the Seminar Marketing Treadmill

Posted on: October 6, 2021 By: Jennifer Goddard
I just got off the phone with someone who is anxious about ramping up his seminar marketing again … I mean he has anxiety about it. He’s starting to see the ads in his market again … free lunch, free dinner, even free bottles of wine … Come learn about wills and trusts … The carnival call resumes […]
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Are You Making a $12M Mistake In Your Estate Planning Law Firm?

Are You Making a $12M Mistake In Your Estate Planning Law Firm?

Posted on: October 5, 2021 By: Jennifer Goddard
If you're telling yourself that "it's best" to stay small ... Or that you're here to "serve," not make a lot of money ... Read on because I need you to know what’s at stake here. I want to be very clear about the high cost of settling for … less. Less money. Less impact. […]
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Marketing Your Estate Planning Law Firm: Ramp Up NOW

Marketing Your Estate Planning Law Firm: Ramp Up NOW

Posted on: October 2, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Think it's too late in the year to ramp up marketing your estate planning law firm? Think again ... Here's a story you may remember from the 2020 Super Bowl (and you know I love my KC Chiefs!) Top of the fourth quarter. The Kansas City Chiefs are down 20-10 behind the San Francisco 49ers. […]
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What To Do About a Bad Review

What To Do About a Bad Review

Posted on: February 17, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Reviews are essential to your law firm marketing success ... but what about the bad review? First, just a quick refresher on why online reviews are so important to your law firm marketing. Google loves Google reviews (reviews that are submitted directly on their platform)! Google does not share their algorithms with us, but webmasters […]
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The Estate Planning Marketing Hamster Wheel

The Estate Planning Marketing Hamster Wheel

Posted on: February 11, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
One of the most frustrating aspects of estate planning marketing is the toll it often takes on the attorneys and their personal lives. It's not just about serving clients ... which, honestly is stressful enough. It's about managing referral relationships, staying in touch and making each one feel valued and special ... carving out time […]
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The Step-by-Step Game Plan to Grow a Profitable and Enjoyable Estate Planning Law Practice

The Step-by-Step Game Plan to Grow a Profitable and Enjoyable Estate Planning Law Practice

Posted on: May 14, 2019 By: Jennifer Goddard
The first quarter of this year is over … is your estate planning practice on-track to meet your revenue and profit goals? It’s not too late ... but it is time to stop procrastinating and get down to the serious work of marketing your estate planning or elder law practice now. If you’re not yet […]
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Estate Planning Attorney Tells His Story: The Fall-Out of Referral-Based Marketing

Estate Planning Attorney Tells His Story: The Fall-Out of Referral-Based Marketing

Posted on: March 29, 2019 By: Jennifer Goddard
I had coffee this morning with an estate attorney whose practice is stuck because of the fall-out of referral-based marketing. Brilliant lawyer, excellent business man … But the conventional wisdom about how to grow an estate planning law firm has failed him. You know the drill. All the “experts” say you grow an estate planning […]
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Dear Estate Planning Attorney, Get Your Website Act Together!

Dear Estate Planning Attorney, Get Your Website Act Together!

Posted on: March 21, 2019 By: Jennifer Goddard
If this isn't your worst nightmare, it should be. Here is an actual email from a law firm. But read the whole article before hitching up your judgey-pants. Could this happen to you? (Names removed for obvious reasons) A prospective client went on our website and completed a”Personal Information Form” (which is a 4 page […]
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Estate Planning and Elder Lawyers Need a New Sales Process

Estate Planning and Elder Lawyers Need a New Sales Process

Posted on: February 15, 2019 By: Jennifer Goddard
I’m going to be brutally honest for a second. Right now there are thousands of estate planning and elder law attorneys who want to make 2019 the year they grow their practice to six or seven figures. They want to engage their ideal clients at profitable fees that reflect the value of the work they […]
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Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.