How to scale your estate planning or elder law firm ... almost every attorney we talk to is anxious to grow and scale their firm.
Most will never get there.
Why not?
Because most lawyers do not have control of their revenue ...
There is a big difference between growing revenue and taking control of your revenue growth.
Estate planning and elder law attorneys have a marketing imperative. If you don't have appointments booked, you don't have any money coming in the door. There are few retainers or large settlements in these practice areas ... and you are only as good as last booking.
It doesn't help that everything you were taught about how to grow an estate planning law firm is wrong.
Grow your referral network, they said. That's the key to profitability.
Now, I'm not saying that referrals can't be great for your practice -- but they don't put you in control of your revenue. And if you don't have control, you can't scale.
I know. I've been there.
Referrals start trickling in ... then maybe they start streaming in ... and just when you think you're on the road to prosperity ... they stop.
It's designed that way, guys.
When the people who send you those referrals start to see your practice growing, see the income from those referrals flowing to ... YOU ... they get greedy. They want something back. Maybe they want you to give their clients special pricing, or a discount. Maybe they tell you that your fees are getting too high ... or you're doing "too much" planning for their clients with "simple" estates. Or they want you to send some business back THEIR way. They may even ask for a referral fee (which of course you can't share legal fees, but they don't necessarily know that). Or ... their brother-in-law's nephew just graduated law school and they start sending all their business to the new kid on the block.
Getting control of your revenue STARTS with getting control of your LEAD FLOW.
That's right. Every dollar that flows into your law firm starts with a lead (or a PNC, Prospective New Client).
No Lead Flow = No Revenue
Once you have control over your own lead flow, there are lots of levers you can pull to accelerate revenue. But you have to get into the control booth first!
I've recorded a new FREE training that shows you exactly how to get control of your lead flow and scale your law firm.
Register to watch here:
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