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Marketing For Estate Planning and Elder Law Firms

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Why Premium Fees are the Key to Grow Your Estate Planning Law Firm

Why Premium Fees are the Key to Grow Your Estate Planning Law Firm

Posted on: July 10, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Want to know how to grow your estate planning law firm? Charge premium fees. Here's why. Getting consistent, high-quality clients as an estate planning lawyer might seem daunting. And it may seem counter-intuitive that charging premium fees is the key. But what if I told you exactly where your ideal clients are spending their time […]
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How to Get More Estate Planning Clients?

How to Get More Estate Planning Clients?

Posted on: July 1, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
"How do I get more estate planning clients?" is the first question most people ask us. We answer with another question, What made you get into estate planning?” Sadly, by the time they find us, some estate and elder law attorneys are so exhausted from the endless struggle to maintain a steady stream of business, […]
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How to Get More Estate Planning Clients and Get Off the Revenue Roller Coaster

How to Get More Estate Planning Clients and Get Off the Revenue Roller Coaster

Posted on: June 29, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Most of what you've learned about how to get new estate planning clients is wrong ... so wrong that you may be riding the Revenue Roller Coaster ... and thinking "this is just the way it is." Before our clients found us, many of them were white-knuckling it through that same ride. It was feast […]
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Estate Planning Leads -- Do You Have Enough?

Estate Planning Leads -- Do You Have Enough?

Posted on: June 23, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Estate planning leads are the lifeblood of an elder law or estate planning lawyer. If you're not talking to a potential new estate planning client at least every week day, your firm is in trouble. So, let me ask the single most important question about the health of your firm: How are you managing your […]
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What Estate and Elder Law Attorneys Must Do Now

What Estate and Elder Law Attorneys Must Do Now

Posted on: June 8, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
It’s a relatively safe bet that when you were planning for 2020, you didn’t have a contingency option for “Global Pandemic.” And yet … here we are. While the initial panic may have subsided, it does look like we will be living with COVID-19 … and it’s emotional and economic fall-out … for quite some […]
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Facebook Advertising: Test or Die

Facebook Advertising: Test or Die

Posted on: May 6, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
We're seeing an explosion of Facebook advertising popping up from lawyers, new to the platform and anxious to drive revenue during these difficult times. The biggest question I have when I see boosted posts and hasty invitations to live events is -- I wonder what their testing budget was for this campaign? Before you start throwing […]
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What To Do About a Bad Review

What To Do About a Bad Review

Posted on: February 17, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Reviews are essential to your law firm marketing success ... but what about the bad review? First, just a quick refresher on why online reviews are so important to your law firm marketing. Google loves Google reviews (reviews that are submitted directly on their platform)! Google does not share their algorithms with us, but webmasters […]
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Law Firm Branding: How to Get Unstuck

Law Firm Branding: How to Get Unstuck

Posted on: February 12, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
Law firm branding can seem mysterious and challenging ... which may be why attorneys tend to ignore their brand messaging. Like most challenges, ignoring your branding will come back to haunt you later, especially when you're trying to scale your revenue, boost profits and leverage your time! To help you get back on track, WealthCounsel […]
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The Estate Planning Marketing Hamster Wheel

The Estate Planning Marketing Hamster Wheel

Posted on: February 11, 2020 By: Jennifer Goddard
One of the most frustrating aspects of estate planning marketing is the toll it often takes on the attorneys and their personal lives. It's not just about serving clients ... which, honestly is stressful enough. It's about managing referral relationships, staying in touch and making each one feel valued and special ... carving out time […]
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Making Your Website Handicap Accessible

Making Your Website Handicap Accessible

Posted on: September 10, 2019 By: Jennifer Goddard
Is your website handicap accessible? By now you’ve probably heard the news, but if you haven’t, I’m here to enlighten you. In a growing trend businesses, including small law firms, are being sued for the lack of accessibility on their website.  So What’s the Big Deal? You may be wondering if this is a ploy […]
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Disclaimer: Growing a small law firm to six or seven figures (or more) is not easy. The journey is both challenging and exhilarating. At every step you may be tempted to quit. Those who succeed are committed, coach-able and resourceful. If that’s you, let’s talk.